May 04, 2021

Karen Sedgwick Q&A: Advancing Our High-Performance Culture

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Karen Sedgwick at a charity eventKaren Sedgwick是Sempra的高级副总裁兼首席人力资源官. In this role, Sedgwick works to advance Sempra’s value of championing people 通过人力资源团队提供的一系列服务. Her team works to enable a dynamic workforce 能够实现森普拉的愿景,有目的地提供能源. Sedgwick is responsible for managing human resource policies, organizational effectiveness, staffing, compensation, payroll and benefits.

在COVID-19大流行期间,塞奇威克一直是帮助提高员工安全的主要声音, advance diversity and inclusion initiatives and foster Sempra’s high-performance culture.

Learn more in this Q&A with Karen Sedgwick:

你在森普拉家族公司工作了近30年. What do Sempra’s values mean to you?

在我在森普拉的时间里,我从未经历过像2020年这样的一年. During this time, I’ve seen the company’s values — do the right thing, champion people and shape the future — anchor us. Sempra employees are guided by our ethics, focus on safety, and our willingness to stand up for what’s right, all while shaping a cleaner, more innovative energy future. This is no easy feat to accomplish, 看到每个人都站起来迎接这些挑战,真是令人难以置信和鼓舞人心. Recently, 我们创造了“#WeAreSempra”这个短语,作为我们的价值观和相关行为的缩写. 当我想到我们的员工如何应对这一年的挑战时, that's a real example of "#WeAreSempra"!

As part of our high-performance culture, 森普拉一直致力于欢迎不同的观点和背景. What is Sempra doing to promote an inclusive environment for all?

Fostering an inclusive work environment 接纳不同的背景和观点是我们公司高效文化的重要组成部分. 推进多元化和包容性有助于塑造创新的员工队伍 encouraged and empowered to be their authentic selves. 我们相信,这对提高绩效至关重要,并使我们在努力为所有人建立一个更加公平和包容的社会的同时,能够负责任地与我们的社区合作.

森普拉有一个悠久的历史,促进一个包容性的环境,不同的观点和背景的拥抱. The family of companies 提供各种各样的项目,以增强工作场所的多样性和包容性, including 15 local employee councils, mentorship programs, training and educational webinars. 我们还将多样性和包容性纳入绩效对话,并将其作为高管年度奖金目标的一部分.

In 2021, 我们致力于提高透明度,并对领导职位实施多样化的面试小组. 理解对多样性和包容性的承诺从高层开始, Sempra is a founding member of the CEO Action for Diversity & Inclusion initiative and a member of the Paradigm for Parity coalition which promotes gender parity in the workplace.

We’ve also received multiple recognitions for our company’s commitment in this area, namely inclusion on Bloomberg’s Gender Equality Index, 人权运动的“争取LGBTQ平等的最佳工作场所”名单, and Forbes’ Best Employers for Diversity.

One of my favorite parts about working at Sempra is our passionate employee culture that is committed to giving back to the communities where we operate. Last summer, 森普拉发起了一项社会正义运动,以促进公司所服务社区的多样性和包容性, raising more than $715,000 in employee donations and matches. 这种社区参与将继续成为2021年的重点.

加州因新冠肺炎疫情而关闭经济是在一年多前. 随着疫苗接种工作继续增加,该州开始计划重新开放, 森普拉将如何帮助确保其员工和消费者的安全?

在森普拉,没有什么比员工的安全更重要, our contractors, and the communities we serve. At the onset of the pandemic, Sempra启动了一个企业范围的领导团队,以支持Sempra家族公司应对COVID-19的影响,并识别和减轻整个企业的风险.

因为我们的行动被州政府和联邦政府认为是必要的, 我们启动了业务连续性计划和安全协议,继续安全地向加州的客户提供能源, Texas and Mexico. Employees who can perform their job duties remotely, including those in corporate or administrative functions, have been working from home since the beginning of the pandemic. For our essential operating employees, 已经制定了全面的协议和程序,以帮助维护他们的健康和安全.

Despite the COVID-19 pandemic, 2020 was our safest year on record. Whether it’s constantly improving our wildfire safety 或者通过显著减少我们公司的误工事故,在工人效率和安全方面创造新的内部记录, strong advocacy for safety occurs at every level of our company and is prioritized daily.

Meanwhile, as our country begins to emerge from the pandemic, we are committed to being flexible, thoughtful and safe when our business operations return to normal. 我们将继续密切监测COVID-19阳性病例,并将与当地协调开展工作, 州政府和联邦政府决定何时可以安全重新开放我们的办公室.

We know it has been a difficult year for employees. What is Sempra doing to support mental health?

我们知道,过去的一年给我们的员工带来了前所未有的挑战, and not all of those are visible. Mental health is something we take very seriously. That’s why we offer an employee assistance program (EAP), 专业保密的咨询服务,为员工提供评估, treatment, 以及向社区资源和专门从事特定领域的执业咨询师提供转介服务.

Also, 我们启动了一个社区对话系列,为员工和领导人提供一个论坛,讨论有关我们社区中种族正义呼吁的问题和话题.

我们部门一直在寻找新的方法来帮助员工应对过去一年的创伤性事件. 我们的福利团队最近开始评估和改善我们的心理健康服务. 我们都在一起,并致力于所有员工的安全和福祉.