
特雷福Mihalik speaks on European energy security in Davos

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Sempra Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer 特雷福Mihalik (左) with former United States Ambassador to Poland Georgette Mosbacher (right) at the World Economic Forum’s Annual Meeting in Davos, 瑞士, 2022At a time of rising tensions and economic and geopolitical uncertainty, Sempra joined other global leaders in Davos, 瑞士 to discuss how to bolster energy security and accelerate the development of critical energy infrastructure in Central and Eastern Europe. Speaking at a panel discussion hosted by the Atlantic Council and the Three Seas Initiative, 特雷福Mihalik, executive vice president and chief financial officer of Sempra, and chairman of Sempra Infrastructure, reflected on the important role for U.S. energy companies.

“This moment in time calls for reframing what the future holds and aiming for a thoughtful, collaborative and deliberate path to a cleaner, lower-carbon economy, and a parallel path to energy security,” said Trevor.

Photo: 特雷福Mihalik, 左, with former United States Ambassador to Poland, Georgette Mosbacher, at the World Economic Forum’s Annual Meeting in Davos, 瑞士.

Infrastructure for the future

特雷福Mihalik speaks at the Three Seas House Energy Transformation Panel in Davos, 瑞士, 2022Energy reliability and security hinges on safe and 有弹性的 infrastructure. 投资于 传输 and distribution infrastructure and import/export facilities today creates opportunities for decades to come. Three Seas Initiative aims to strengthen the economies U.S. allies in Central and Eastern Europe through cooperative infrastructure, energy and digitalization projects.

“By interconnecting gas and power networks along with transportation systems and next generation digital and communications technologies, we at Sempra truly believe that the Three Seas Initiative has the potential to fundamentally alter the geopolitical and energy paradigms of Europe, helping to set the stage for what could be an era of secure, 有弹性的, and reliable energy to accelerate innovation and reduce dependence on suppliers of energy that have proven to be unreliable,米哈利克说.

Natural gas infrastructure helps displace higher carbon fuels like coal that are still a primary source of power generation in many parts of the world, while also providing a vehicle for emerging clean fuel technologies such as 和氨. Fuel switching from coal to 天然气 and scaling up renewables helped enable a drastic emissions reduction in the U.S. over the last 20 years and provides a model for Central and Eastern Europe.

Photo: 特雷福Mihalik, center, speaks at the Three Seas House Energy Transformation Panel in Davos, 瑞士.

Sempra’s role in Europe’s energy security

Sempra is actively responding to the urgent demand for energy security in Europe. In recent months, Sempra Infrastructure has expanded its strategic alliance with French company TotalEnergies and signed a non-binding heads of agreement with the 波兰石油 & 天然气公司 (PGNiG) that contemplates supplying 液化天然气 from its growing portfolio U.S. liquefaction development projects.

“Infrastructure, including terminals, 管道, 传输, must be built in the near term to achieve the medium and long-term energy solutions the world needs,米哈利克说.