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Robert Borthwick is deputy general counsel for Sempra. 在这个角色中, 博思威克负责诉讼, 就业法, law department operations and compliance functions.

Borthwick has served in various 领导 roles since joining Sempra in 2003. 2018 - 2019年, he was general manager of Sempra Renewables, leading all aspects of Sempra’s renewable energy business segment, 包括操作, 金融及商业发展, 并支持其美国公司的销售.S. 风能和太阳能资产. He previously served as general counsel of Sempra Renewables and Sempra 液化天然气, 同时也领导了环境问题, 健康与安全, 监管, human resources and external affairs groups supporting both companies.

了解更多关于 Rob Borthwick 在这个Q中&A:

给我们讲讲你的职业生涯吧. 你是如何取得今天的成就的?

I have worked for all three branches of government, so I suppose at some point I am destined to become a civics teacher. 大学毕业后,我在国会工作, then after law school became a law clerk for a federal judge in Los Angeles and then was a federal prosecutor. When you add in practicing at a law firm and my role here at Sempra, I’ve had the opportunity to explore the legal field from all angles. It’s given me great perspective and appreciation for the complexity of our legal systems in this country.

What are your daily responsibilities as Deputy General Counsel for Sempra?

自从大流行开始以来, Erbin基斯 我领导过森普拉法律部门. We collaborate with the general counsels of each of our operating companies and I personally work with four teams at the parent company— the litigation group, 劳动和就业小组, the compliance group and the legal operations group. I talk a lot with the leaders of each of those teams to make sure they have everything they need to be effective and help the company address issues ranging from COVID-19 regulation compliance to complex litigation. By ensuring these issues are managed appropriately, the rest of the company can then focus on carrying out our important work to advance the 能源过渡 为所有人创造更美好的未来.

In the legal field, doing the right thing is particularly important. Can you talk a bit about what this Sempra value means to you?

I love helping out with new employee orientations and we go through the three Sempra -做正确的事, champion people and shape the future — and the one I always emphasize is do the right thing. All of the 值 are very important but for me, doing the right thing is critical. You can do lots of things right but if you have a brief ethical lapse or compliance problem, 你可以抹去很多非常好的工作.

Making sure we instill in our employees the importance of doing the right thing is critical to Sempra as we carry out our work to deliver safe, 可靠的, affordable and increasingly cleaner energy to customers. 我们不能走捷径.

I help provide an annual compliance presentation to the Sempra 董事会 who is also very interested and engaged in both ethics and compliance. One of the reasons I’ve enjoyed working here as long as I have is because of how our 领导 and employees demonstrate such a firm commitment to doing the right thing.

You’re actively involved with Serving Seniors, serving as chairman of the organization’s 董事会 of directors. What drew you to that organization and what other volunteer work do you carry out?

Serving Seniors is an organization that is committed to serving meals and providing housing to seniors who need a helping hand. I first got to know Serving Seniors through my children serving meals at the organization's wellness center in downtown San Diego and was drawn to the mission of helping make sure the needs of one of the most vulnerable segments of our society are being met. I’ve been on the 董事会, which has a long history of Sempra 领导, for four years.

I’ve also been a court appointed special advocate (CASA) in the foster care system for around nine years. It's part of a nationwide program where you become an advocate for a child in the foster care system. Typically, these kids will have a lawyer or social worker who has dozens of other clients. With the CASA program, you become the sole advocate for the child. I meet with my foster child regularly and this has been a particularly rewarding experience for me.