
SoCalGas to Start Construction of Electric Vehicle Chargers in Support of Zero Emissions Fleet Goal


The utility plans to convert much of its light-duty fleet to electric vehicles and install 1,500个电动汽车充电器

洛杉矶, 2022年3月30日 /价值/—— 南加州天然气公司. (SoCalGas)朝着自己的目标又迈出了一大步 希望2045年可持续发展目标, announcing plans to install more than 240 electric vehicle (EV) chargers this year at nine company locations. SoCalGas also pledged to install EV chargers at 67 company facilities by the end of 2024, 总共是1,未来三年将新增500个充电器. A year ago, SoCalGas became the 最大的天然气分配公司 in 北美 to set a net zero emissions target, consistent with 加州的 气候目标和《亚洲BET356的网址》. 来帮助实现这一目标, the company aims to replace 50% of its over-the-road fleet with clean fuel vehicles by 2025 and operate a 100% zero-emission fleet by 2035. 

"Today's announcement 是 latest example of SoCalGas making critical investments in the infrastructure that 加州 will need to reach net-zero emissions by mid-century,” 桑德拉Hrna, vice president of supply chain and operations support at SoCalGas. "Whether they're powered by cutting edge batteries or hydrogen fuel cells, electric vehicles will be a big part of helping SoCalGas and 加州 reach our shared climate and air quality goals. 感谢我们的 使用可再生电力, the vehicles charged at most of these locations will be powered almost exclusively by solar and wind energy." 

"It's no secret the transportation sector 是 largest contributor of greenhouse gases in 加州这名议员说 米格尔圣地亚哥. "Electric vehicles will help reduce our state's carbon footprint, and SoCalGas' installation of EV chargers is one of many steps the utility is taking to help 加州 除去碳素更快." 

"南加州 Edison is excited to help fleet owners, including fellow energy companies like SoCalGas, make the transition to zero-emission electric vehicles,” 丽莎Cagnolatti, SCE senior vice president of customer service. "All of our customers will benefit from lower greenhouse gas emissions and cleaner air." 

SoCalGas is applying for SCE's Charge Ready program, which provides assistance with installing electrical infrastructure for EV charging stations. 

To help reach its goal of replacing 50% of the company's over-the-road fleet with clean fuel vehicles by 2025, SoCalGas最近购买的 50 Toyota Mirai hydrogen fuel cell vehicles (HFCEV), making SoCalGas among the first utilities in the nation to start transitioning to hydrogen-powered vehicles. 去年, SoCalGas converted 200 new Ford F-250 service pickup trucks 使用可再生天然气. The service trucks are outfitted with the newest Landi Renzo Eco Ready™ equipment, a 加州 Air Resource Board certified ultra-low emissions vehicles system. 

The company plans to purchase Ford F-150 Lightning electric trucks to be serviced by the new chargers. A full charge on one of the trucks provides a driving range of up to 300 miles. Since fleet charging typically occurs overnight, employees can charge their personal vehicles during the day to support a clean commute. 

目前, a third of SoCalGas' fleet already operates on clean fuels and the company is on track with replacing 50% of its over-the-road fleet with alternative fuels by 2025 and operating a 100% zero-emissions fleet by 2035. 

今年SoCalGas宣布了它的 希望2045年 sustainability strategy to further integrate sustainability across our business. 这一战略建立在我们的基础上 气候承诺 to achieve net zero greenhouse gas emissions in our operations and delivery of energy by 2045. The company 是 largest 北美n gas distribution utility to set an ambitious net-zero goal that includes 范畴1、2和3温室气体排放. 阅读更多 socalgas.com/mission


总部设在洛杉矶, SoCalGas® 是 最大的天然气分配公司 在美国. SoCalGas delivers affordable, reliable, and increasingly renewable gas service to 21.全国800万消费者 24000平方英里 中环及 南加州. Gas delivered through the company's pipelines will continue to play a key role in 加州的 clean energy transition—providing electric grid reliability and supporting wind and solar energy deployment. 

SoCalGas的使命是建立 cleanest, safest and most innovative energy company in America. In support of that mission, SoCalGas is committed to the two goals of achieving 净零温室气体排放 in its operations and delivery of energy by 2045 and replacing 20 percent of its traditional natural gas supply to core customers with renewable natural gas (RNG) by 2030. Renewable natural gas is made from waste created by dairy farms, 垃圾填埋场, 污水处理厂. SoCalGas is also committed to investing in its gas delivery infrastructure while keeping bills affordable for customers. SoCalGas是 Sempra (NYSE: SRE), an energy services holding company based in San Diego. 欲知详情,请浏览 socalgas.com/newsroom 或与SoCalGas连接 推特 (@SoCalGas), Instagram (@SoCalGas)和 脸谱网

SoCalGas标志(prnewsphoto /San Diego Gas) & 电力,南加州天然气公司)




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