
The time is now to update 和 exp和 transmission 基础设施

提交的 sempra_ian on
加州’s electric grid operator recently 批准 its 2022 — 2023 Transmission Plan


The energy sector is at an inflection point where the promise of a lower-carbon future is within grasp. 实现雄心勃勃的气候目标, modernized transmission 基础设施 is needed to get cleaner energy to those who need it. The reality is that to deliver reliable energy 和 meet the world’s net-zero goals — 包括在加州 by 2045 — significantly more transmission 基础设施 is needed. The growing share of renewables 和 need to integrate distributed sources of energy — such as 屋顶太阳能,燃料电池,和 先进电池,结合… 越来越多的电气化 of 运输 和 other sectors — highlights the importance of 现代化的电网 基础设施.

The growing need for 基础设施 investments

  • $21.4万亿年
    这是需要的量 投资 globally in the electricity grid by 2050 to support the net-zero goal, 根据 a March 2023 彭博社报道.

  • 5000万英里
    The same 彭博社报道 估计 80 million kilometers in grid growth between 2022 和 2050 is needed to replace the global electricity grid — that’s nearly 5000万英里, or enough transmission lines to circle the globe 2,000倍.

  • 4.05万亿千瓦时
    电ity consumption is up across the U.S. 美国.S. 能源情报署 报道 消费量为4.到2022年将达到05万亿千瓦时, which is the highest amount ever recorded 和 that number is anticipated to keep growing in future years.

  • 10715千瓦时
    美国.S. 能源情报署 估计 the average American home uses 10,715 kilowatt-hours of electricity per year. As buildings 和 homes electrify 和 consumers adopt electric vehicles, electricity consumption per household is poised to grow.

  • 12.500万辆电动汽车
    EV dem和 is growing worldwide but particularly in 加州 where the state reached its 1.5 million EV sales two years ahead of its 2025 target, 根据 加州能源委员会. State leaders expect there will be 12.到2035年将有500万辆电动汽车上路.

森普拉处于领先地位 能源基础设施 公司与深 专业知识 in developing 和 operating safer 和 more reliable 传输与分配 基础设施 across its three 业务平台:加州森普拉,德克萨斯州森普拉和 Sempra基础设施. Notably, Sempra companies throughout North America have built 和 operate nearly 300,000 miles of 传输与分配 基础设施. 仅2022年一年, Sempra’s family of companies 投资 more than $5 billion in critical 能源基础设施 to bring cleaner energy sources onto the grid, 帮助加强社区 弹性 against extreme weather 事件 和 help to increase 安全 和可靠性.

Sempra加州的 圣地亚哥天然气 & 电 有多于1个,800 miles of transmission that are proactively monitored 和 modernized for improved 安全 和可靠性. Modernization efforts include integrating the latest 智能电网 技术融入可持续发展目标&E的创新 野火管理计划 和 moving transmission lines underground in high fire threat areas to help protect the grid 和 communities. 此外,西班牙&E’s Southwest Powerlink 和 Sunrise Powerlink both exceed 100 miles 和 are in the highest transmission voltage class in 加州 (500kV). 在一起, these high-voltage lines facilitate the import of about four gigawatts of power from renewable rich areas into 加州 communities, which is enough for approximately three million homes.

Sempra德克萨斯州 Oncor 一直 快速回应 to the growing energy dem和s of the state’s exp和ing population. 仅2022年一年, Oncor placed approximately $1.1 billion of transmission projects into service. 这样做, Oncor’s service territory required the construction or upgrading of roughly 340 miles of transmission lines.


5月18日, the 加州 Independent System Operator Board of Governors — 加州’s electric grid operator — 批准 2022 - 2023年输电计划, which identifies transmission capacity required to fulfill the energy needs of the state’s residents. State energy leaders identified 45 potential projects for system expansion 和 upgrades to maintain reliable energy in the state 和 meet cleaner energy goals, 包括多达五个可持续发展目标&E的服务区域. Most of the proposed projects will support more than 40 gigawatts of new resource development identified by CAISO leaders as “cost-effective 和 needed” to meet 加州’s energy goals.

通过数字, we can see that updating 和 exp和ing 加州 transmission 基础设施 is clearly needed. Sempra st和s ready to develop the 基础设施 to support critical energy needs in 加州, 德州除了.

了解更多 关于Sempra的 丰富的历史 creating transmission 基础设施 to help safely deliver reliable energy.

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