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April 15, 2021

Supporting Clean Transportation Through Utility Infrastructure

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在Sempra Energy,我们为超过3500万客户提供能源. 到本世纪中叶,迫切需要建立一个新的全球能源体系,以推进能源转型, which includes decarbonizing the industrial, power generation and transportation sectors.

Transportation is the backbone of the U.S. economy. 在美国,价值超过13万亿美元的货物通过卡车或铁路运输.S. in 2017. Unfortunately, in the U.S., 交通运输占全国温室气体排放量的近30%, more than any other economic sector.

If the U.S., as well as the world, is committed to lowering emissions, the transportation sector will be a vital component.

电力和天然气公用事业公司在满足额外的清洁运输基础设施需求方面处于有利地位. Across the Sempra Energy family of companies, 我们的公用事业在支持清洁交通方面有着悠久的历史和良好的记录.



Supporting Electric Vehicles, Piloting Vehicle-to-Grid Technology

Through its Power Your Drive charging program, San Diego Gas & Electric Company (SDG&E) has installed, owns and operates 在250多个工作场所和多单元住宅中安装了3000多个充电器. 该公司还在公园、海滩和学校安装了340个充电桩,并正在建设充电桩 infrastructure 在其服务范围内支援超过3,000辆车队车辆. Electric Vehicle 与亚马逊、UPS和圣地亚哥港合作的电动汽车充电试点项目也在进行中.

In addition to EV charging, SDG&E通过升级电网来支持电动汽车的使用,以满足日益增长的需求. The California Energy Commission projects that by 2025, 188,000 charging stations will be in use statewide. By 2030, there will be a need for 1.5 million.

Looking to new technologies, SDG&通过使用电动汽车电池作为能源来源,E看到了进一步最大化电动汽车的潜力. SDG&E的车辆到电网整合试点项目包括使用校车来演示这是如何工作的. 公交车将在能源价格较低、可再生电力最容易获得的时候优先为车载电池充电, for example from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Then, in the late afternoon and evening, as use of home and office air conditioning units increases, the buses will be able to discharge their energy, supporting system-wide resilience. SDG&E希望在其服务范围内扩大和部署这些类型的创新.



Preparing for EV Fleets

As the largest energy delivery company in Texas, Oncor is preparing to serve additional EVs, particularly in the fleet vehicle space.

德克萨斯州市场特别适合扩大电动和电动混合动力汽车的采用, especially vehicle fleets. In fact, according to the U.S. 交通运输部,交通统计局,近13%的美国.S. freight by weight moves through Texas, most of it through Oncor’s service area. 这大约相当于排在后面的两个最大州的总和.

Planning to meet this demand will be essential. There are roughly 22,000 fleets in Oncor’s service area. The company has fielded inquiries from major commercial, municipal, 学校和运输客户共同规划充电机会和物流. Planning to support more than 4,000 EVs by 2022-2024 is already underway, 取决于设备制造商满足预期可用性的能力, range and total cost of ownership.

服务于商业和工业领域的数以万计的车队将很快需要电力,这可能需要增加 transmission assets包括容量更大的电线、变压器和变电站. Oncor has also developed the Green Fleet Growth Planning Tool, 它确定了可用的变电站和变压器容量,并预测到2050年人口增长将如何影响这些容量.



A Leader in Low, Zero, and Negative Carbon Fuels Like Compressed Natural Gas, Renewable Natural Gas and Hydrogen

Southern California Gas Company (SoCalGas) is the largest natural gas distribution utility in the U.S., serving nearly 22 million customers in California. 它支持从石油和柴油燃料过渡到使用 cleaner transportation fuels 包括可再生天然气(RNG)的使用 hydrogen.

大量与天然气相关的运输基础设施已经到位, 但需要额外的基础设施来支持预期的增长.

Natural Gas Vehicles
Based on the 2020 California Gas Report forecast, SoCalGas预计,未来15年,天然气汽车(NGV)市场将增长,并在其服务范围内增加80多个NGV站和近40亿立方英尺的天然气. SoCalGas将继续投资于满足这一需求所需的额外管道容量和NGV站服务线路.

Renewable Natural Gas
加州近80%的天然气汽车已经在使用 fueled with RNG, a fuel that can have a negative carbon intensity. Supply of and demand for this fuel are increasing. ICF4 - 7最近的一项研究估计,到2040年,美国太平洋地区的热带气旋数量将增加.S. could produce 每年约为1930 - 3720亿立方英尺的可再生天然气,占SoCalGas公司2035年核心天然气消费量的66% -126%. As one example of increasing demand, SoCalGas目前拥有15个NGV站,并计划在2021年增加更多, all of which will be dispensing 100% RNG.

Hydrogen is rapidly emerging as a clean transportation fuel. 加州能源委员会于2020年12月批准了一项计划,该计划将投资高达1.15亿美元,大幅增加该州加氢站的数量, 到目前为止,该州的投资几乎翻了一番,并将帮助加州接近实现部署200个公共氢燃料站的目标.

Transit agencies in particular, including Orange County Transit Authority, Foothill Transit and Sunline, have indicated that they expect to transition to hydrogen. In addition, 针对两家大型能源公司对加氢站的兴趣,SoCalGas已经完成了初步的现场评估.

SoCalGas最近宣布了一项新技术的现场测试计划,该技术可以同时从天然气中分离和压缩氢气 blend of hydrogen and natural gas. At scale, 这将使氢气能够通过天然气管道系统轻松、经济地运输, 然后在加油站提取和压缩,为燃料电池电动汽车提供氢气.


Thanks to the forward-thinking teams across our family of companies, Sempra能源公司正在帮助运输部门脱碳,并在美国各地推进清洁能源基础设施建设.S.