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Estela de Llanos with Liane R和olph, chair of the 加州空气资源委员会对于许多森普拉员工来说,承诺 可持续性 这不仅仅是一份朝九晚五的工作——这是个人的事情. 举个例子, Estela de Llanos who is the vice president of energy procurement 和 可持续性 at Sempra’s operating company, 圣地亚哥天然气 & 电. de Llanos是the 清洁空气联盟, an organization that has worked to improve air quality since 1971.

德·拉诺斯说 she discovered the organization in the late 1990s before becoming a volunteer. 从那里, she became committed to helping advance clean air solutions to create a safer environment for her family, 尤其是她的三个孩子, 和其他人.

“The 清洁空气联盟’s mission is to protect public health, 改善空气质量,应对气候变化,德·拉诺斯说. “这与我个人产生了共鸣. 作为一个在洛杉矶长大的孩子, I can remember days that we could not play outside because of poor air quality. I can remember being surprised every time the skies cleared after rain to reveal the nearby mountains, 通常是看不见的. 和, I remember being sad to learn that an aunt of mine was moving out of state because her asthma was too severe to live in Los Angeles.”

Although air quality has improved dramatically in California with the help of organizations like the 清洁空气联盟, 还有更多的工作要做, 德·拉诺斯说. It’s why de Llanos commits more than her time to the organization, but also her dollars. Thanks to the Sempra Foundation’s charitable gift matching program for U.S.森普拉家族公司的总部设在美国的员工, 德·拉诺斯可以看到她的捐款产生最大的影响.

“I always take advantage of the Sempra Foundation matches to leverage additional dollars for the 清洁空气联盟,德·拉诺斯说. “我最喜欢在森普拉工作的事情之一 公司家族 is the support for working with organizations that make a difference in the regions 和 markets we serve 和 that matter personally to employees. It is a powerful way to stay connected to our most important stakeholders: Our customers 和 our employees.”

Photo: Estela de Llanos (right) with Liane R和olph, chair of the 加州空气资源委员会


A group of Sempra employees plants trees as part of a volunteer initiativeWhen it comes to environmental causes, the Sempra Foundation has donated more than $7.65 million in charitable 贡献 to support 和 protect the environment since 2007. 通过双配计划, the Sempra Foundation 和 employees from the Sempra 公司家族 together have donated more than $400,000 in the past five years to charitable organizations focused on 可持续性, 包括对 圣地亚哥奥杜邦协会, 冲浪的基础世界自然基金会. In addition, the Sempra Foundation offers a year-round Single Match Program to employees.

“Sempra的使命是 有目的地传递能量 ——这是以我们共同的信念为指导的 to 做正确的事, 冠军的人塑造未来,” 丽莎·拉罗克·亚历山大, senior vice president of corporate affairs 和 chief 可持续性 officer for Sempra 和 director 和 board chair for the Sempra Foundation, 说. “我们相信行动比语言更响亮, 和 we couldn’t be more proud of our employees for donating their personal time 和 hard-earned money to charities that share our same 值.”

The pride is reciprocated for many Sempra employees who donate during Double Match Day.

Photo: A group of Sempra employees plants trees as part of a volunteer initiative

吉娜·奥罗斯科, vice president of gas engineering 和 systems integrity at Sempra’s operating company, SoCalGas, 说 she’s thankful that the Sempra Foundation supports a cause she cares about. 她在董事会任职 加州州立公园基金会, an organization with a mission to protect 和 preserve California state parks. 加州州立公园基金会的工作, which relies on support from organizations such as the Sempra Foundation, 是至关重要的.

“There is a great need to continue to protect nature 和 wildlife from environmental dangers, 包括森林大火, 洪水, 酷热, 等.奥罗斯科说. “I believe that it is a personal responsibility as Californians to help protect these parks for future generations, 和 to support a balanced natural ecosystem that contributes to clean water 和 air.”

Christine Macias-Papierniak是可持续发展目标的工程师&他向大自然保护协会捐款 种植十亿棵树倡议她说,她感谢公司对她事业的支持.

“I like that my donation is used toward planting trees that would benefit our planet 和 my friends 和 family,Macias-Papierniak说. “I really like that Sempra offers the double match because it shows support in employees’ chosen causes 和 charities 和 helps me have a bigger impact on fighting climate change 和 helping our planet.”

Double Match Day is a part of the Sempra Foundation’s efforts to help create a better quality of life in the communities it serves. Along with organizations that focus on efforts related to climate action, 经济繁荣、多样性和包容性, the Foundation helps employees unite to raise funding for charities 和 schools. 下一个双比赛日定于8月. 8.

For more information about Sempra’s high-performance culture or for a list of job openings, 访问我们的 职业生涯 page. 有关森普拉基金会的更多信息,请访问

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