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本文最初发表于美国《英国最大赌博365网站》.S.-沙特商业委员会 网站 2021年4月5日.

美国.S.-沙特商业委员会采访了Sempra能源公司董事长兼首席执行官, 杰弗里•马丁,关于森普拉的液化天然气 扩张的作用 天然气 在减缓气候变化方面,该公司在美国的潜在合作伙伴关系.S. 沙特阿拉伯,以及他们的发展愿景 可持续能源基础设施 比如智能电表和 智能电网 技术.


森普拉能源是世界上最大的能源基础设施公司之一, with plans to become one of the largest exporters of 液化天然气 (液化天然气) in North America. 森普拉将在领导中国发展中扮演什么角色 全球能源转型 在接下来的20年里?

在Sempra Energy, we have committed to making infrastructure investments that support the world’s transition to a carbon neutral energy system.


气候变化是一项全球性挑战. 从现在到2040年, 预计经合组织国家与能源有关的排放量将下降, 同时在发展中国家显著增长. We believe that displacing coal and scaling up renewables are the most cost-effective “quick climate wins” for the developing world — solutions that allow those nations to reduce energy poverty, 建立更可持续的社区,改善公民的生活.


的 widespread adoption of renewables hinges on investment in critical new infrastructure and storage capacity on a massive scale. 我们需要建立和 现代化的电网 就像我们开发可再生能源一样紧迫. 已经有像加州和加州这样的市场 德州在美国,森普拉能源公司是该公司最大的股东 电网美国40%的石油都是在美国生产的 可再生能源,有可靠的储能和天然气支撑. 这凸显了我们最大限度利用可再生能源的能力, 同时投资电网的可靠性与先进 电池存储 天然气作为低碳合作伙伴.

鉴于全球对气候变化和可持续性的重视, Sempra对天然气在全球能源可持续发展中的作用有何看法?

在过去的二十年里,美国经济增长迅速.S. 它减少的能源相关排放比世界上任何其他国家都多吗. 根据国际能源署的数据, [1] this success is credited to the widespread adoption of renewables and fuel-switching from coal to 天然气 in power production.


通过出口 液化天然气 (液化天然气)与沙特阿美等贸易伙伴合作.S. can help replicate this success in countries still heavily dependent on coal for power generation. Sempra拥有液化天然气出口设施 在操作 在美国.S. 墨西哥湾沿岸和项目 正在开发的 分布在北美洲的墨西哥湾和太平洋沿岸, making us well positioned to help our customers accelerate the global shift to sustainable energy systems.


This diversification of America’s energy resources is not unlike Saudi Arabia’s own experience. Saudi leaders have historically done a remarkable job of maximizing their own indigenous resources. 例如, 20世纪70年代, 王国建立了主气系统, 发展石化工业, 在波斯湾和红海沿岸建立了新的工业城市. 今天,沙特王国和美国都出现了新的机会.S. to develop infrastructure that supports renewables and 天然气 for domestic power production, 同时使新燃料的开发成为可能 和氨.

You had previously reached a Heads of Agreement with Saudi Aramco for the purchase of 5 million tonnes per annum of 液化天然气 (液化天然气) and a 25% equity investment in the 拟议的亚瑟港液化天然气项目 in 德州. 这项协议可能对全球脱碳产生什么影响?

This is where I think the analogy of the Master Gas System and the development of the cities of Jubail and Yanbu 20世纪70年代 applies. 人们忘记了这些项目有多么雄心勃勃. One of my favorite statistics is that the volume of water processed at Jubail’s pumping stations and canals exceeds the combined flows of water at the mouths of the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers.[2]


同样的,我相信 亚瑟港液化天然气 has the potential to be a truly unique project for the United States and holds great promise for our continued alignment with Saudi Aramco. 的 proposed project is positioned to be one of the world’s largest 液化天然气 projects spanning 3,000英亩的土地和3英里的海滨通道. 在应对气候变化方面, this project would advance our ability to safely deliver low-cost 天然气 to developing economies where the IEA projects incremental electricity demand is poised grow by 90% over the next two decades. That is why we believe 液化天然气 can be a key component in reducing global greenhouse gas emissions and helping to raise nearly 3 billion people in the developing world out of energy poverty.


拟议的亚瑟港液化天然气项目 is also exciting because of its ability to advance a series of next-generation energy 技术 that are important to the U.S. 和沙特阿拉伯. 的se include large-scale carbon sequestration, clean 氢 and increasingly greener forms of 液化天然气. We think the next decade is critical and that collaboration with world-class companies like Saudi Aramco is critically important. 森普拉的目标不仅仅是建造一座让美国引以为豪的世界级设施, but one which Saudi Aramco can also hold up as a shining example globally as they advance their own energy transition and diversification strategies.

Saudi Arabia has recently announced several initiatives to develop carbon-neutral cities, 比如的 Line, 并承诺成为可持续能源领域的全球领导者. 森普拉能为实现这一愿景发挥什么作用?

我们赞赏沙特阿拉伯专注于增加对智慧城市的投资, 氢, 氨, 风, 太阳能和天然气. 森普拉也有发展可持续能源基础设施的愿景.


Sempra总部位于加州,我们在那里拥有两家公司 领先的公用事业公司 that have been on the forefront of decarbonization, diversification and digitalization for decades. 我们经常 合作 与公共, 促进清洁技术的私人和学术组织, 减少温室气体排放,推动经济增长. 在洛杉矶,我们看到了我们的公用事业的巨大潜力 南加州天然气公司 (SoCalGas),在其中发挥主导作用 使工业部门脱碳 通过投资低碳燃料,如可再生天然气和 .


Global collaboration and knowledge-sharing is essential to solving the challenges posed by climate change. 国际能源署执行主任, Fatih Birol, has often been quoted as saying that up to 50% of the new 技术 needed to deliver a carbon-free system by 2050 do not exist today.[3] 在森普拉,我们将这一挑战视为机遇. 重新想象能量和培养 可持续性 在我们公司有长期的承诺吗. We are committed to a corporate culture where we can share new ideas and 合作 on innovations. 在一天结束的时候, 我们都在一起,与沙特阿美公司合作, SABIC and other like-minded companies is how we will really move the needle in promoting innovation to mitigate climate change.

沙特阿拉伯正在向智能电网、智能电表和智能电气化迈进. 作为一个全球性的参与者,森普拉在这个领域最值得骄傲的成就是什么?

世界各地的气候正在发生变化. 在美国西部.S.在美国,野火的风险正在增加. 这就是为什么…… 圣地亚哥天然气 & 电 (西班牙&E)我们正在大力投资创新,以创造新的智能电网技术 减少火灾风险. 与最大的公用事业公司之一合作 天气监测网络 在世界上,可持续发展目标&E leverages artificial intelligence to help predict which circuits are most prone to fires due to adverse weather conditions. We are also making great progress on new 技术 that can detect a falling power line and deactivate power before the line hits the ground in order to reduce the chances of a wildfire. 任何时候我们都可以提高电网的安全性和可靠性, 这对我们的客户来说是一个巨大的胜利.

What role do you see 氢 technology playing as the Kingdom moves to more sustainable living?

天然气系统的重要性只会随着对氢气的投资而增加. 今天, 在发电中使用天然气有助于促进可再生能源的采用, 减少排放,创造更具复原力的社区. 随着时间的推移, we expect that 氢 will play a similar role in accelerating the transition to a carbon-neutral energy system. 这就是为什么我们公司已经投资了10多个国家 氢的研究 以及加州的示范项目.


I would also note that Bloomberg New Energy Finance estimates that 氢 could supply nearly a quarter of the world’s energy demand by 2050, 同时将二氧化碳水平降低近35%. 的re is no question that there is enormous potential for both the United States and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, 作为世界上最重要的两个能源大国, 在开发和推进氢的不同应用方面发挥主导作用.


举一个历史例子, 1984年至1996年, 沙特领导人重新设想了他们的电力市场和生产饮用水的能力. 大约十年后, 王国的发电量增加了25倍, while the production of desalinated water rose from 4 million to 355 million gallons per day.[4] 当我们将注意力转向与气候变化相关的巨大挑战时, 美国也需要同样的雄心和领导力.S. 和沙特阿拉伯提出像液化天然气这样大胆的解决方案, 氢, 氨和大规模碳固存.

[1] 世界能源展望,国际能源机构
[2] Pampanini, 来自阿拉伯沙漠的城市, p. 20.
[3] 国际能源署:实现净零目标需要大幅加速清洁能源创新
[4] Hertog, 王子、经纪人和官僚, p. 102; Thackray and Ulrych, 在沙特阿拉伯建设石化工业, p. 166.