
Op-Ed: A Guiding Light for the Energy Transition

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CEOs of Sempra Energy and 总计 see new momentum to build a clean-energy economy around the globe

By 杰弗里•马丁, Chairman and CEO of Sempra Energy, and Patrick Pouyanné, Chairman and CEO of 总计

A version of this opinion piece initially appeared on 市场观察 2021年2月25日.

杰弗里•马丁, Chairman and CEO, Sempra Energy

No country was spared by the global pandemic which exposed startling shortcomings within our deeply interconnected world.

Like the virus, carbon emissions do not come with a passport. 他们不尊重墙壁和边界. So, it becomes essential to act with purpose and tackle global emissions through a new, 清洁能源转型 同时解决能源贫困问题. 这就是为什么美国要采取行动.S.他决定重新加入 巴黎协定 是至关重要的.

今天, 缺乏负担得起的途径, clean and reliable energy magnifies the human catastrophe and significantly slows global economic and environmental solutions.

But we can recover by constructing a thoughtful path to a cleaner, 低碳经济 that benefits from the evolution of our current energy mix. 我们的行业和世界领导者, led by the European Union and now joined by the new Biden administration, must forge ahead with the urgency our planet demands.


Patrick pouyann<s:1>,道达尔董事长兼首席执行官

But, first, we must acknowledge that a complex, global climate challenge requires a global solution.

加速这一转变, we must advance a coordinated strategy with public and private sectors in every country, 包括那些无法获得能源的人, to spur critical investment that expands renewable and 液化天然气 (液化天然气)基础设施在全球范围内.

It is critical that we approach this transitional challenge with commitment, 合作和长远的眼光. 从现在到2040年, areas where energy poverty is prevalent will generate nearly 90% of incremental global electricity demand. This calls for a new sustainable ecosystem that extends access to a 21st century energy system to every country.

我们知道它是有效的. 二十年来,美国一直在努力.S. led the world in successfully reducing energy-related emissions through the widespread adoption of 可再生能源 and shifting from coal to 天然气. Displacing coal and scaling up renewables are the most cost-effective “quick climate wins” for the developing world that allow those nations to reduce energy poverty and build more sustainable communities.

For the adoption of renewables to become more widespread, massive efforts are needed to 建设和现代化电网 as well as to develop more renewables supported with reliable energy storage and 天然气.


液化天然气 (液化天然气) can play an important role in addressing emissions impact

已经有像加州和加州这样的市场 德州, where Sempra Energy is the largest owner of energy grids, successfully produce 40% of America’s 可再生能源. This underscores our ability to maximize renewables, while also making needed investments in 电网可靠性 拥有先进的 电池存储 天然气作为低碳合作伙伴.

这并不总是一个容易的平衡. Extreme weather can challenge resiliency in our energy systems, 正如我们在中西部和德克萨斯州看到的那样, highlighting the need for adequate baseload generation with weatherization upgrades to offset periods of lower 可再生能源 production.

Diversification of energy portfolios is central to the effort. That is why traditional energy players are dedicating considerable efforts to decarbonization and the expansion of renewables. 道达尔最近进入美国市场.S. market for utility-scale solar and its investment in domestic solar shows how an oil and gas major can diversify its energy portfolio to achieve net-zero emissions by 2050 or sooner.

Renewables, storage and 天然气 deployment can also unlock the 氢势. We are at the forefront of hydrogen production and infrastructure globally, including the largest renewable hydrogen production facility in France powered entirely by solar panels.


markets like California and 德州 produce 40% of America’s 可再生能源

此外, hydrogen will further the natural partnership between renewables and an increasingly decarbonized 天然气 system. 即使是美国.N. 欧洲经济委员会呼吁 天然气基础设施必不可少 到2050年实现碳中和.

As we look to transform energy systems worldwide, renewables and 液化天然气基础设施 是否有潜力用于支持 氢的发展 and improved resiliency of low-carbon energy supplies.

At this moment in time, we cannot afford to stand at this crossroads and hope for better results. Instead, we must proactively reduce barriers to energy access and coordinate global investment in 创新, renewables, energy storage and 液化天然气基础设施.

约翰·F总统. 肯尼迪曾经说过, “我们不是来诅咒黑暗的, but to light the candle that can guide us through that darkness to a safe and sane future."

以大胆的行动, 强有力的承诺和集体决心, we can eradicate energy poverty and deliver a cleaner, 人人享有可持续能源生态系统.

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