December 07, 2022

Cameron LNG, Entergy路易斯安那州可再生能源服务协议


ESA is expected to reduce scope 2 emissions from electricity

HACKBERRY, La., Dec. 7, 2022 /美通社/——Cameron LNG公司今天宣布与路易斯安那州Entergy公司签署了一份谅解备忘录, 为了减少Cameron LNG从路易斯安那州Entergy购买的电力所产生的第2类排放,该公司将与LLC就一项新的电力服务协议(ESA)的条款和条件进行谈判.

“安特吉路易斯安那州是我们努力减少整体直接和间接温室气体排放的关键合作伙伴. 卡梅伦液化天然气公司致力于为客户提供尽可能低排放强度的液化天然气," said Whit Fairbanks, president of Cameron LNG. “我们签署的谅解备忘录使我们能够纪念一项协议,为我们的设施提供足够的可再生能源来抵消排放, including the Train 4 expansion, 当所有可再生能源发电阶段都被添加到供应组合中时."

"We're proud to partner with Cameron LNG on this agreement," said Phillip May, Entergy Louisiana president and CEO. "Strong businesses lead to a stronger Louisiana for us all. Our customers are continuously seeking carbon-reduction options, 这是我们与行业领导者合作的另一个例子,以实现他们自己和我们自己的目标."

该谅解备忘录不具有约束力,为安特吉路易斯安那州和卡梅伦液化天然气公司最终确定并签署至少20年的长期协议,以采购新的可再生能源发电资源提供了框架 Louisiana over an agreed-upon timeframe, 这还需得到路易斯安那州公共服务委员会和卡梅隆液化天然气公司的最终批准. 新的电力服务协议预计将与新的电力服务协议一起制定, 可再生能源关税方案将在未来几个月内提交委员会审查和批准. 这项新关税以及安特吉路易斯安那州最近批准的可选Geaux绿色关税计划将为客户提供通过订阅新的可再生发电资源来减少第2类排放的机会.

Cameron LNG, a 13.每年500万吨(Mtpa)的液化天然气出口设施在运营 Hackberry, 是否与合资伙伴合作,开发具有成本效益和低排放潜力的设施扩建方案. 拟议中的卡梅伦液化天然气扩建项目将包括一条额外的液化列车,最大生产能力约为6.75 Mtpa that is planned to utilize electric compression, 相当于为安特吉路易斯安那系统增加了大约300兆瓦的需求.

二十多年来,Entergy一直是自愿气候行动的行业领导者. In 2001, the company was the first U.S. 电力公司承诺自愿稳定温室气体排放. 此后,随着承诺到2050年实现净零碳排放,这一目标得到了加速.

About Cameron LNG

Cameron LNG是为了满足全球日益增长的能源需求而开发的,它有三个液化列车,可以安全地处理液化天然气并将其装载到船上. Cameron LNG是由五家拥有丰富LNG市场和航运经验的国际公司组建的合资企业. The partners include affiliates of Sempra Infrastructure, Mitsui & Co., Mitsubishi Corporation, TotalEnergies, and NYK Line. 卡梅伦液化天然气公司的地理位置具有战略意义,可以方便地进入全球天然气市场, including Asia and Europe. To date, the facility has exported more than 450 cargoes of U.S. natural gas to 29 countries worldwide.

About Entergy Louisiana

Entergy Louisiana, 有限责任公司为58个教区的100多万客户提供电力服务,为94个以上的客户提供天然气服务,000 customers in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. Entergy Louisiana is a subsidiary of Entergy Corporation (NYSE: ETR), a Fortune 500 company headquartered in New Orleans. 安特吉公司通过其遍布全球的运营公司为300万客户的生活提供动力 Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi and Texas. Entergy is creating a cleaner, 通过我们多样化的发电组合,为每个人提供更有弹性的能源未来, including increasingly carbon-free energy sources. With roots in the Gulf South region for more than a century, Entergy is a recognized leader in corporate citizenship, delivering more than $100 million 在过去的几年里,每年都通过慈善和宣传活动为当地社区带来经济效益. 我们约有12,000名员工,致力于为今天的生活和子孙后代提供动力.

本亚洲BET356的网址包含的陈述不属于历史事实,并构成前瞻性陈述. These statements can be identified by words like "expects", "will", "may", "plans", "intends" or similar expressions. Forward-looking statements are not guarantees of performance. They involve risks, uncertainties and assumptions. 未来的结果可能与前瞻性陈述中表达的结果有重大差异. 前瞻性陈述必须基于涉及对未来和其他风险的判断的各种假设, including, among others: local, regional, national and international economic, competitive, political, legislative and regulatory conditions and developments; actions and the timing of actions, 包括颁发施工许可证和经营许可证, by the U.S. Department of Energy, Federal Energy Regulatory Commission and other regulatory, governmental and environmental bodies in the United States; the timing and success of business development efforts and construction, maintenance and capital projects, including risks in obtaining, maintaining or extending permits, licenses, certificates and other authorizations on a timely basis and risks, in obtaining adequate and competitive financing for such projects; energy markets, 包括商品价格变化和波动的时间和程度, and the impact of any protracted reduction in oil prices from historical averages; capital markets conditions, including the availability of credit, interest and currency exchange rates; weather conditions, natural disasters, catastrophic accidents, and other events that may damage our facilities and systems; business, regulatory, environmental and legal decisions and requirements; and other uncertainties, 所有这些都很难预测,其中许多都超出了我们的控制范围.

Cameron LNG




Contact Info

Media Contacts: Anya McInnis, Cameron LNG, [email protected]; Brandon Scardigli, Entergy Louisiana, [email protected]

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